Saturday, 12 March 2011

Restaurant Floors - Protection to Avoid Future Problems

The completion of the restaurant floors depends on two factors: the style that you want to give, and the decoration & use it will receive. Make sure you present this data for a proper termination according to your needs and personal tastes.

Once in place, the respective floor should always be polished to achieve a perfect finish. This work can be repeated as often as necessary, also over time, removing layers of plastic or past wax. This feature, characteristic of solid floors, ensures a strong and durable result over time; you may be always able to put back at any time.

You can even plasticize the restaurant floors with a layer of oil varnish that covers the floor protecting and facilitating cleaning. There are different types of finishes: matte, semi-matte or glossy. The plasticized achieves a finish that protects it from stains and wear, making it more durable and easy to clean. As maintenance, you will avoid scratches to deface the floor and remove protective coating. Yet, if you instead choose a simple epoxy style, you won´t have to deal with all these matters. Both are good, but you may analyze pros and cons before the final choice.

When it comes to water based finishes, you are granted a fine result with no strong odors. The floor can be used about 3 or 4 hours after placing the product. Their life expectancy is lower than that of polyurethane varnish, but the effect is just as natural wood (the plastic has a more artificial termination).


It is left only with polishing, waxing can for a better finish. While it is an interesting aesthetic choice, we must not forget that it requires constant waxing. Good news is, their resistance to stains and water is fascinating.

It is waterproof and highly resistant. Most of the times, restaurant floors, consist of an epoxy layer, of different colors and sizes that gives the area a distinctive appearance. For large areas, or if you want to avoid as much as possible together, epoxy can be prepared on site.

You can always go for traditional tiles with drawings found in older homes. They consist of common or white cement, marble dust or fine sand, and dyes. However, remember that this material is less resistant and more expensive. You can still give your restaurant a very rustic and artistic finish by using epoxy and resin. In addition, for better preservation you should give them a stain resistance.

The restaurant floors range is enormous, because you can get now styles in various colors and designs, plain or patterned. If you want to keep an old floor know that there are some commercially available recycling services for old tiles and even imitation or missing tile design.

Epoxy advantages

The resinous epoxy styles are the most resistant to wear, traffic and the passage of time. You will be able to reach affordable options without exceptions. Consider browsing through online catalogues, many reputable developers care to display all sorts of offers.

Tag : floor,restaurant floors,avoid

Friday, 4 March 2011

Flooring In The House And Garage

Choosing to add a new floor into your home is a great choice! If you add a new piece into your household, then you will be changing the way you feel because you will be enjoying your surroundings much more. There are many options of flooring that you can choose, and you can make your floor as personal as you want. A very popular choice is laminate flooring which has grown to the point where it is competing with the traditional hardwood floor.

If you are choosing between hardwood and laminate floors then there are a few things that you need to know. First of all, hardwood floors are much healthier towards the environment, and according to a large number of real estate agents, a hardwood floor can add anywhere from seven thousand to ten thousand dollars to the value of your house. Also, laminate flooring has a plywood base, which has a topping of veneer which is three-ply. When compared to a hardwood floor, laminate is very thin.

When it comes to laminate floors, it is also important to keep note of the fact that most manufactures of laminate floors have a five-year warranty on their floors and the laminate can only be refurbished three times at most. The amount of time refurbishing is needed highly depends on the amount of traffic that your floor comes in contact with on a daily basis. If you expect your floor to encounter a large amount of traffic then laminate would be a great choice because the veneer topping on these floors is about one eighth of an inch in thickness.

If you are considering a hardwood floor, then you should know about the three types. There is a strip floor which will make up a major part of installations and it normally is about two and one quarter inches wide and it can be anywhere from one and half to three and one-fourth inches wide. The installation of this type of floor involves you nailing each panel to the sub floor. The second type is three inches wide and can either be nailed or screwed into the sub floor. The third most popular type of hardwood flooring is parquet. It is sold in six by six blocks and you can pick your own patterns and designs with this floor type.

If you are looking for a new flooring option for your garage rather than your house, then you may want to look at a rubber garage floor. Many manufactures of garage floors use a polypropylene copolymer which does a great job separating your car from your floor. A rubber garage floor is a great option for you if you are a home mechanic. If you are a mechanic, then your garage floor most likely has a large amount of spills and damage caused by chemicals. With a rubber garage floor, the spills won't affect the concrete and they are much easier to clean up. Also if you lie down underneath the car then the rubber will be easier on your back than concrete.

There are many other garage flooring options that are very easy to install. Most of these options may be cheaper than you think. Regardless of the floor you wish to renovate, you still need to make a decision on how to renovate it. It is important that you do enough research where you can be comfortable with your final choice. After all, if you are making the investment to renovate your flooring, then you want to make sure you get your money's worth.

Tag : floor,flooring,house,garage