If you are thinking about installing Pergo flooring, pay attention to these handy tips. Pergo is a laminated flooring that is installed over an underfloor by a unique system of tongue and groove fitting. There are many reputable floor installers who can install Pergo floors, and the retailer where you purchase you Pergo flooring can advise you of one, but Pergo can be installed by the homeowner fairly easily. Pergo is a complete flooring system, and you can get all of the necessary material to install your Pergo floor at your flooring retailer. These include:
Pergo glue-you must use Pergo glue to keep your warranty valid
Pergo installation kit-this will give you the proper spacers and tapping block for tight joints
Pull bar-to get a tight fit in hard to reach areas
Underlayment-to even out unevenness in the underfloor, and to give heat and sound insulation qualities to the floor
Floor clamps-make installation easier and give additional strength to the floor
Pergo sealant-to seal the gap between the floor and the wall, which will allow maximum resistance to moisture
Pergo putty-mends damage to the flooring
Installation straps-makes the installation simpler
Before you install a Pergo floor, you must be aware of certain facts. Pergo is only intended for indoor flooring use, not outdoor. It must be installed as a floating floor, and not secured in any way to the under flooring. It is critical that a small amount of clearance is left around the perimeter to allow for expansion or contraction of the floor.
Floor movement will be determined by a number of factors, including proximity to walls, staircases, pipes and other fixed objects, changes in moisture and temperature, house settling, etc. In a normal situation, the clearance should be 1/4 inch. This allowance is most critical in corners, angles or door or other openings.
The Pergo flooring should be allowed to sit for at least 48 hours in the area it will be installed, to allow for the material to acclimate to the ambient conditions. If your climate is extremely dry or extremely humid, you should allow an additional 48 hours for this acclimation. During the installation, the installation site should be kept at a relative humidity of 30-90%. A stable temperature is important, and should be within 15 degrees of the normal temperature of the home.
Pergo can be installed at, above or below grade. The planks should be installed upon Pergo Underlayment Foam or "Whisperwalk". If you install directly over concrete, you will have to install a 6 mil polyethylene vapor barrier over the concrete. The particular sub floor you are using may have additional requirements.
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